Received: 16 March 2015 /Accepted: 14 August 2015 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht and The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) 2015 – Abstract Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an illness with a major impact on the individual. Among other things, it affects quality of life, relationships with friends and family, social integration, personal development and […]
Anorexia nervosa: an integrative treatment model – Journal of Psychotherapy 2015 [41] 02
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an illness with a huge impact on all areas of an individual’s life and their context (Jones et al., 2008). AN patients live, as it were, under the dictatorship of the ‘inner critic’, a strong inner normative voice that constantly reiterates the same disapproving judgements. Stinckens (2001) uses this metaphor to […]